Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So This Is Christmas.......

Debbie and I went to Texas for a brief, yet fun-filled weekend just before Christmas. A perfume salesman/convenience store clerk named Moe, who also happened to be a photographer, took our photo for us before we caught our return flight.

This is "grandpa"...some people name their cars with girly girl names, this one is so old and reliable, we dubbed it "grandpa." The drifting snow engulfed the car. We're waiting for warmer weather to dig it out.

Our neighbor came in with his tractor and bladed a pathway for our drive.... it will take some time to dwindle this mountain down to a molehill.
More pathway mountains.... just missed my new favorite tree.
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1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you're getting use out of that dress! :) It looks really nice on you! Thank you for posting photos of the snow - Douglas and I sure missed out last winter, huh? I think the next time we're in the States, it'll be some July or when it's warm...
