Wednesday, December 30, 2009

And a Happy New Year....

This was a night time picture, somewhere I have a clothesline picture to compare this too. The back yard has about 2' of snow. You can see the top bar of the laundry basket holder directly under the clothesline and in front of the propane tank. It measures 30" and you can't see the other bar because it's buried in snow. That glob of brown on the left is our newly acquired wood pile. Some day I will get a really neat camera that doesn't blur my pictures and eat batteries.
This is Glacier, a Siberian Husky. She is the dog I said we would never have. She cannot be penned, she is more magical than Houdini at escaping. The dog pen literally was chewed and broken by her one night. She howls at the moon, but rarely barks. She has the most beautiful blue eyes, too.
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  1. Thank you for posting a decent photo of this dog I've heard about! Let me know what camera you upgrade to - our digital camera was stolen out of my deep pocket at the New Year Celebration at Copacabana...I was pretty upset at first, but didn't want to drag it out. I hope that whoever stole it needed the camera more than I did and I also hope that Douglas and I can travel in the future years!

    These past 4 days I've been daydreaming of living in the States again - or anywhere but Brazil. Please keep me in your prayers that God give me strength for these years we must be in Rio. Sometimes all the beauty and perks can't make up for what I miss back home!

    Love you!

  2. I came across an article: "10 Things Not To Buy in 2010" and ironically, the digital camera is one of them...

    "Compact digital cameras: For nearly a decade, digital compact cameras were must-haves for most consumers.

    But during the past several years, another type of digital camera has been slowly rising in popularity: the single-lens reflex (SLR) camera, from manufacturers including Nikon, Canon (CAJ), Sony (SNE) and Olympus. Although bulkier, these cameras produce pictures that more accurately represent what's in their viewfinders than those that use older technology.

    They're also pricier. For example, Canon's digital compact cameras start at $110, while the SLRs start at $570."
