Friday, March 27, 2009

DIY Landscape

Ray never ceases to amaze me. He put this landscape together in a day. After having lunch with me while I was at work Thursday, he went and bought all the stuff, and I came home from work and the retaining wall was stacked. The next morning, he filled the bottom with clay dirt, then good soil, then dug all the holes and planted all the plants and spread red mulch around them. I have dwarf burning bushes, tulips, roses, daffodils, forsythias, a boxwood, hostas, peonies, and little purple, pink, and white things I can't remember the name of. I'm sure his muscles are going to hurt in the morning! But WOW! what a beautiful landscape he made!


  1. WOW I LOVE IT!!! Good Job Raymond. Now what time did he say he'd be here to start on mine? =)
    I really like it, he should consider doing landscaping on his days off and he could still get dirt under his nails and it is kinda like working on cars, right? This inspired me to go to Wal-Mart and get some plants (I'll have Dan plant them though I wouldn't want to get dirt under my nails.

  2. Awesome! I just now found the link to your blog again...our house looks so pretty!!! I'll have to show Douglas that flowers do grow in Kansas, hehe.
