Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lincoln logs

It's interesting to go to places and find out a little bit about history that you kind of knew about and yet totally didn't comprehend until you experience it visually. I knew Abraham Lincoln grew up in a log cabin type house. I imagined something like Little House on the Prairie type days, but still didn't realize how small this dwelling was, until I visited Kentucky and saw for myself. I believe my bedroom is larger than his entire house was. I am amazed.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


Now I know what Einstein meant when he was asked to speak at a university and he got up on stage and said, "I have nothing to say."

I never kept a diary for the same reason.

This year we celebrated the 4th early. It was June 28th when we went to Hanover to watch the fireworks and tuned into the local radio station to hear the display set to music. It was the best music KNDY has put on in years. Knights in White Satin, the Chicken Dance, Ring of Fire....

We're planning a drive of the east coast states this month. I guess I'll have something to write about then. :)

Son is home from college, daughter just visited this weekend and went back to Kansas City. I've got laundry duty, and the man of the house is working on the cars. Same ole same ole.