Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Dear Diary

A long long time ago in a land not so far away, I was a kid. It was popular back then to write in a diary and it didn't have to be anything special or anything important, for that matter. Still, I didn't do it. I knew it was something I could not commit myself to doing on a regular basis. Now, there is this thing called Blogging, which is the same concept as a diary really. Only it confirms my suspicions that I would not be a good candidate for a diary..... then or now.

Today, I woke up late, went to work late, took a late lunch and brought it back to my cubicle, worked late, was late meeting my father-in-law and husband, and got home and had a late supper. Then, I realized it's been a while since I wrote anything on this blog, so I might as well stay up late and write something down.

Although I was late, it was a good day. It was 14 degrees on the way to work, although clear skies. Soon after arriving, it began to snow, and the wind whipped the snow like a tornado of styrofoam tidbits. I had read my son's latest blog addition before heading off to work, and it was more important for me to write a comment than it was to be on time this particular day. Although I was not missed, there were those glad to see I arrived to help them do their jobs. I have turned in my resignation to be effective February 7th and have accepted the offer of employment with what I think will be my last employer. Not that I plan on dying anytime soon, or retiring for that matter, I just think this employer has the most to offer as far as places to go, people to be (account exec, branch manager, regional, etc.) I put in 9-1/2 hours today and got paid for 8. Why? I dunno. I love my job.

Right after work I was supposed to meet my father-in-law at his rental house. He has some prospects coming in Friday and the house isn't quite ready. He needed the carpets shampooed, and yours truly just so happens to own, well at least one but probably two, yeah, two carpet shampooers. Why? I dunno. They must've been on sale.

The guys scrubbed some greasy wall while I ran the machine. If I would have known there was so much carpet, I would have brought both machines with me, but I only remembered the livingroom having a covering. Yeah, it's pretty much wall to wall except the kitchen. The kitchen. Now that's a sight.... not a pretty one, either. I volunteered to paint it tomorrow night after church and Thursday night after work. Why? I dunno. I love my father-in-law and I kinda/sorta think he could use my help. Besides, the prospects come Friday. I hope they like the smell of fresh paint.

Last night I made chili and meatballs. The meatballs were for supper, well, the chili is too, just not last night's supper. I didn't have all the ingredients I normally put in my BBQ meatballs, but they turned out ok enough. The chili is good. Just hot enough to smack you without losing the flavor of the sauce. We'll probably regret eating it later, but hey, that's a part of life.

Speaking of gas prices, I paid $2.94 a gallon for gas the last time I filled up my Aurora. It has been fluctuating between $2.88 and $3.19 lately. Crude oil hit $100 a barrel earlier this year. Sent the price of gas soaring. It's back down around $90 a barrel, but that won't last long. Politics. Let's not go there. It's an election year as it is. Did I mention it's also leap year? Happy Birthday to all you young folks who have a birthday every four years.

There, Diary, are you happy now?


  1. Busy Busy Busy - If you have Oehm in your last name you are busy. Usually helping someone else and letting your own work be put off until tomorrow. If only we all had friends and family with Oehm as a last name. Oh wait, family does have Oehm as last name, at least some do.

    It was cold here too. I got a call Tuesday to help a widow replace her siding. The wind was blowing about 40 mph and the snow was just starting to fall. Her vinyl siding had blown off and was about to lose more. So they called someone with Oehm for a last name and I dropped what I was doing, working on someone else's basement and went to the rescue. I about, NO DID, FREEZE. So just like you were late for work, I didn't make it at all to work on the basement.

    So I guess having the name OEHM is not a good thing. STUPID me, how could I say such a thing. I"M PROUD TO HAVE MY FATHER'S LAST NAME AND BE KNOWN FOR BEING WORKERS FOR OTHERS.

    Sorry I wrote so much. I guess I was just venting.

  2. Great job on the post Donna. I enjoyed reading it. And thanks for helping dad with the house. Sounds like you need more hours in the day to accomplish all you do. Did you see my latest post? 100 things about me? now that was fun to try to come up with 100 things and I could probably do 500 more. You should try it!!! 2 more days of work and you and Raymond can relax for awhile when you visit buddy boy, give him a hug for me.

  3. (to oehmkan: how come you don't read/comment on my blog?)

  4. good girl donna thanks for helping your father in law so much he really was glad you and ray are wonderful to us so glad you had a good time shopping and that you like your job. mom and dad oehm

  5. How cheap was the gas. I bet you wish it was that price now!!!

    Hope all is well.

