Sunday, July 22, 2007

Brazil and Colorado

Lots in common with these two.... both love Jesus, both have the same day of birth, they like travelling, and they are both brilliant.

One has chosen to do mission work in Brazil. The other will attend college in Colorado, majoring in Jesus.
They have been my centers of attention, and remain in my prayers.

Punkin' writes us from Brazil. She amazes us with how she adapts to humble surroundings in the orphanage.

Bud will soon move to his new apartment we just secured. I'm interested to know if we've prepared him enough for the transition.


  1. Wow. Congrats on a job well done, on raising good christian children and on the Blog, also. Very nice, I added it to my favorites, no pressure, but I will be checking it hourly for updates. Well, maybe just daily. :) Hope you had a Fun filled birthday ! Your favorite sister/sisterinlaw, from Kansas Janet

  2. My little Brazilian called via Skype. It was good to hear from her. She paints a pretty picture on email and I've requested she send the details she's leaving out. She has me saved in her cell phone address as "Supermom," and I am honored.
