Tuesday, February 23, 2010

If you can't say something nice....

I've recently realized the effect on the body that pain has. Late November and through December, I had the headache that wouldn't go away. In January, I decided to seek medical help in determining the cause of the headache. The internal doctor put me on medication at night that left me groggy in the morning, yet still with the pain. He then requested an MRI which showed no signs of the pain. He referred me to an ear/nose/throat specialist who determined it wasn't my ear, nose, or throat causing the problem, but suggested I take medicine at night and possibly ask my dentist for a mouth guard just in case I'm grinding my teeth at night due to stress, which in turn, causes headaches. Hmmm, I skipped the dentist and bought a guard at WalMart. In the meantime, I also signed up a chiropractor to see if spine alignment might be the problem. The chiropractor decided I needed a neck adjustment and promptly gave me a pinched nerve, to this day, I still have, and am seeing a different chiropractor to remedy. The mouth guard and muscle relaxer combination relieved my headache, but now I deal with not being able to turn my head to the left and a shooting pain down my left arm. Having said all that, I am happy to be healthy, just not in any condition to "write."

I can see where prolonged pain would cause depression. It is a daily fight to overcome, and these battles I have won. The winter weather is not on my side, but the hope of Spring and Summer keeps me going.

Now, I wasn't going to write much of anything, I didn't feel like I had anything "nice" to say, so for now, I'm not going to say anything at all.