Saturday, January 10, 2009

All work and no play

Did you ever look at a calendar to see what day it is and realize that a whole month went by? That's my December. I checked out what was so time consuming and it turned out to be my job. I worked 3 of the 4 weekends, worked most of the weekdays, was sick the remaining of the time. Now it's January.

Ashley brought Douglas with her back from Brazil. He hasn't been in temperatures below 57 (I might add with HIGH humidity). Now, he's experienced the early stages of a Kansas winter. It was funny to see him try on various hats to keep his head warm. Above, there's a picture of Ashley, Gma, and Douglas when they went to visit her in her recovery room at the nursing home.

Today I am finally alone. I wouldn't want to be alone on a regular basis, but I must tell you, this sure feels great. I am getting all the laundry done, beds changed, floors vacuumed, rugs washed, and table cleared. Ray's lunch was at 12:30, so I fried some chicken breasts and steamed some broccoli, then had lunch with him at his job.

I decided to take a break and catch up on some reading materials. It's nice to be able to get some things accomplished for yourself once in awhile. Today's that day. Maybe the next day I have "alone" I can set aside some time to play.