Monday, November 24, 2008

I told you so......

It's the week of Thanksgiving, the weather is awesome... not too cold, not too hot..... it's the first Autumn I can remember that is not "winter-ish." Son is on break from college and although I work most of the time, I at least get to see his smiling face in the garage. He and his dad are putting modifications / upgrades on Jolly, the green giant of a pickup. After Thanksgiving, I plan to help him move from one apartment to another, so we'll have some quality time then.

Daughter emails less frequently now that she is in Brazil, but I'm hoping her plans work out to return next month in time for Christmas together. I've started on her room, but never quite got around to getting in there and getting it done. An email from her would certainly motivate that on the to-do list!

We're planning a party at the church building this Wednesday night for Jennifer. She has come to her senses and moved back to Kansas. A big welcome home party is in order.

Hubby has been working on cleaning out the garage. He has my side done to where I can park my commuter car for the winter nights. I'm thankful for that. It's nice not to have to scrape windows of a morning.

I think I'll go make some pecan pies on a trial run for this week. If they turn out ok, I might try the chocolate ones, too.

Now somewhere, at some point in time, I mentioned I am not much of a writer. I did not keep a diary as a kid, wouldn't send birthday cards or letters or emails on any sort of regular basis. So, this "random" blog is just that...... random. So, if you've been expecting a daily / weekly / monthly or even quarterly update, you might remind me on that basis to update my blog. Otherwise.... I told you so.