Friday, February 29, 2008


It's leap year, and it's February 29th! I just finished two weeks of training for my new job. I'm very glad this company invests in a training program for new employees. The computer system itself, although user friendly, would take an enormous amount of time to learn on your own.
The company put me up in a hotel right in the middle of the city where I had access to all sorts of stores I love but rarely get to grace the doorsteps of. The past two weeks has gone by so fast. Every night I'd be up until 1 a.m. and be at work by 8:30. Then it was shop til I drop again.

My biggest find was a suit sale. Since son took pop's suit (with permission) to school with him.... "that's ok, I don't wear one anyway"....... then he's pallbearer. uh huh. So, I happened upon a favorite store with already low prices and on sale to boot. Some guy was trying on the jacket of one style that I thought looked really sharp, so I got that one in Grandpa's size, found a shirt on sale to go with it, and voila. I turned around and there's a suit for pops and a shirt to go with it too. Everything was on sale except the ties, but I already found ties elsewhere. These look great! I hope they fit.

This morning there was a special at Mickey D's where you buy a drink and get a skillet burrito thinger for free. So, the office went over and got breakfast. We happened upon the man himself, so I got a phone-photo with him, and then the office got together and snapped a shot for the newsletter. I don't think this was the genuine guy because he's so short, but, it is unusual for the guy to be there in person, so we got photos. Check out the shoes!!